Outdoor Activity AwardTiger through Webelos Cub Scouts can earn the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award in each of the program years, as long as the requirements are completed each year. The first time the award is earned, the Cub Scout will receive the pocket flap award (shown to the left), which is to be worn on the right pocket flap of the uniform shirt.
Each successive time the award is earned, a Wolf Track pin may be added to the flap. |
Summer Program & Summertime Pack Award (pin) |
The summer program offered by Pack 110, allows your Scout multiple times to earn the Summer Time Pack Award. This award is more commanly refrenced to, as the Summertime Pack Award Pin. This award is tracked and earned by participating in at least in one Pack activity each month, during the summer months. Obtaining this pin helps complete your application for your Scout's Outdoor Activity Award.
Outdoor Activity Award Application |
Click here to download the Outdoor Activity Award. This Award is not only for activities for the summer, but for the past year. Be sure that all information is completed and then email completed application to your Cub Master - Email Here